Campfires, Cornerstones, and Community: How Belonging is Good Energy
This episode is about the power of belonging. Finding a community where you can thrive in all aspects of your life. Humans thrive in togetherness and feel stress in isolation. When we are out of balance, the cornerstones of the community may need more attention. Energy healing is a part of life that belongs everywhere. Celebrate the tremendous resources that arrive when we connect to our life. The Good Energy Healing Club is a natural extension of The Good Energy Healing Show as we weave powerful moments of awareness together in spaces that feel like community. Seek the joy and freedom that arrives when we feel part of energy as a beautiful, abundant field.
We may need more openness to change, we may need more awareness of our abundant resources, we may need more sharing and caring time, and we may need more connection with all of life - people, animals, plants, the planet, and the intelligent energy of our cells. How do we connect? By saying “yes” to all the ways we’re invited to belong to ourselves and to take up a loving space in this world. Pay attention to how you’re always invited to belong to something. Be open to the invitations for goodness, calm, ease, and healing.